First APPNA Alberta Chapter Election
The first APPNA Alberta Chapter elections were held successfully and the reins have been handed over to the new team through a proper democratic model. Founding president Dr Tariq Awan transitioned successfully to the new elected team. Heartiest Congratulations and best wishes to Dr Saad Yasin, President and his team Dr Sameena Bajwa: President elect, Dr Amir Aslam: General Secretary, Dr Tehmina Munaf: Treasurer, Dr AQ Kamran: BOD, Dr Hatim Karachiwala : BOD and Dr Tariq Awan: Immediate Past President. Special thanks and appreciation to our NEC for conducting the elections in a best professional manner. Dr Adnan Mansoor: Chair: (Calgary), Dr Omar Farooq :co chair:(Edmonton), Dr Ali Nomani:Member (Red deer).